Thank you for your interest in ACER's Technical Assistance Program. Please fill out this 10 min form to help us better understand your business needs. Once submitted a representative will reach out to you regarding next steps. 1 Start 2 Complete 0% Entrepreneur First Name * Last Name * Phone Number * Email * Street Address * City * Postal Code * State/Province * Constituent Info - Individuals Business Name * Years in Business * Business Registered with State * Yes No Is this business registered with the state? Business Plan * Yes No Do you have a business plan? What is your business revenue? * - Select -0 - 50K50k - 100k100k - 250kOver 250k What is your preferred form of communication? * - Select -Online/ VirtualOffline/ In-personBoth What services are you looking for from ACER? * Website Design/Development Business Planning Accounting Financial Planning Brand Development Marketing/PR Human resources Legal & Insurance Access to funding How many hours a week are you looking to work on your business within the program? * What business challenges do you wish to achieve in your session with the consultant? * Is there anything else you want to share about your business? Outcome Reporting Are you an ex-offender? * - Select -YesNoPrefer not to disclose Who referred you to this program? Submit